This page contains important information for Title Companies, Real Estate agents, Finance Companies, and homeowners renting or leasing a property in Wickham Forest Subdivision. 

ANNUAL DUES: The Association dues for 2023 are $245.00 paid annually - due February 1st. A late fee of $25.00 per month is assessed for accounts paid after March 1st., plus 1.5% interest.

HOME SALE: If this request is for a home sale, after closing, please provide the WFHOA with a copy of the deed.
Estoppel Fee: $250       3 Day Expedited Estoppel Fee: $350        Past Due Fees: $350.00
Estoppel Contact: Pam Clark, Administrative Assistant, (321) 432-4031   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

RENTAL PROPERTY/LANDLORDS: The Declarations of Covenants and Restrictions for Wickham Forest Subdivision requires an owner who rents his/her property to provide certain information to the Association Board of Directors for the purpose of making the person(s) renting the property subject to the provisions of the governing documents. Rental agreements shall have a minimum duration of one (1) year. The Rental Property Information form shall be completed by all Property Owners/Landlords who intend to rent their property: WFHOA Rental Property Information Form


All homeowners and renters must be supplied a copy of the Wickham Forest Homeowners Association, Inc. (WFHOA) Bylaws and the Declaration of Covenants & Restrictions by the closing agent or real estate agent.  If your company does not have a copy of these documents, you can view or download a copy of the Covenants and Restrictions below.  You may also obtain them from the Association for a cost of $15.00 (to cover postage and copying) or directly from Brevard County. 

Covenants and Restrictions:


Association Bylaws': You can view or download a copy of the Wickham Forest Homeowners Association Bylaw's below.